When I first got involved in Philly comedy back in 2009 the shows to see / perform at were few and far between. PHIT only had the Shubin Theater for 2 weeks out of each month, which left performers with nothing to do and students with nothing to see. For that reason, in 2011 I created The Sideshow to fill in the gaps where PHIT was not running shows. Side note: I actually pitched the idea for the Sideshow to Charna at iO Chicago back in 2007 and I’m still waiting to hear back.

For this version of The Sideshow I rented out Headlong (then known as the Arts Parlor) a weekend or two each month. This gave the team I was coaching at the time (Beirdo) a place to regularly perform and gave other improv teams and various comedy acts another performance venue. It was a whole show effort too. Everyone helped set up and everyone helped break things down. Plus, unlike PHIT and other shows at the time – The Sideshow paid performers. From 2011 – 2014 the Sideshow paid ran on being happy just breaking even and thousands of dollars was given back to performers.

Once PHIT got a permanent home at the Adrienne and had shows 52 weeks a year- there was gaps that The Sideshow was created to fill no longer existed. My time being consumed by the theater also increased, so The Sideshow was absorbed into the PHIT line-up to pop up every once in a while. Gone with that change was, unfortunately, also the ability to pay performers. I tapped Shannon Fahey, who themselves captures the spirit of the show itself, to reboot the show a couple years ago as a short run show. Each time we had a show it was a great time. The PHIT iteration of The Sideshow kind of faded away as the pressure to fill the schedule with “money making” shows increased.

Through the years we welcomed improv, sketch, stand-up, storytelling, magic, dancing, singing, dramatic readings, PowerPoint presentations, and so much more that didn’t quite fit neatly into any one category. We hosted the first shows and last shows of several improv teams, the first performances of the Not For Nothin Podcast with Mike Rainey and Tim Butterly. Lizzie Spellman first graced our stage to strum that Ukulele. Jen Curcio first story-told at a Sideshow if I’m not mistaken. I directed a one act play called “Hidden In This Picture” as well as the Sideshow Musical Revue with an ending pulled directly from Dirty Dancing. We had “Freaky Friday” events where improvisers got to try stand-up for the first time while stand-ups formed groups to attempt improv. Tom Hannigan got to talk about Frasier – at least twice I think. There were “Short Attention Span” shows where all acts were 5 or so minutes which lead to lots of unknown talent related acts as well as bits upon bits. And there’s a lot of stuff I’m not remembering or simply leaving out because this is already too long. The point is that The Sideshow really was a space where you can just try shit out and see if it works without being judged if it didn’t. It was super supportive and fun and weird and I loved it.

 I resurrected The Sideshow again for a Holiday Special online in December 2020. Though it was online and you can’t really capture the magic of an on-stage show- it was fantastic. Now, in the middle-ish of a pandemic, The Sideshow returns! This time joining my other shows Study Hall and Not Yet Rated and the newer Extree! Extree! with Crossroads Comedy Theater. It’s just this one show this month so far, but the great thing now is that I can bring it back as often as we want. It can be a home for the weird and wonderful without worrying about how much money it brings in. The show can continue to be a great space for people to perform whether it’s the first time or the hundredth time.
If you’re vaccinated, please come out this Saturday night at 10pm. It’s a big vacation month and that delta variant is sure to keep some people away. Help give The Sideshow’s Crossroads Comedy Debut a warm welcome. It’s pay what you can and features Siohban O’Hara (stand-up), Hoffman (improv), Tan Hoang (stand-up), Sarah Knittel (other, ha) and is hosted by the wonderful Shannon Fahey. See you Saturday. One of us! One of us! One of us!
Mike Marbach



The Prime Subjective: TNG S07E19 & S06E14

We’re back with some classic trek episodes! In this episode of The Prime Subjective, Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman Hinners and Michael Henley are joined by Bev, Philadelphia’s (Drag) Queen of Comedy. In this episode they discuss two classic episodes of Next Generation: Genesis and Face of the Enemy. Their wide ranging discussion runs the gamut of wig sizes and ill fitting jumpsuits to wondering why the captain needs to go find an erstwhile photon torpedo.

Lower Decks S05E09 & 10

It’s time for one last trip through the Lower Decks! In this huge momentous episode of The Prime Subjective, Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners and Michael Henley go for one last ride on the Cerritos as we discuss Lower Decks Season 5 Episode 9 – “Fissure Quest”, and Lower Decks Season 5 Episode 10 (and series finale!) – “The New Next Generation.” We discuss Bashir/Garak, multiverses, unexpected guest stars, and ultimately close the book on Lower Decks and determine the exact flavor of its delightful, nutty legacy. Enjoy!

Star Trek: Section 31

It’s time for a Star Trek movie event! In this episode of The Prime Subjective, Chris Newcomer, Karie Coelman Hinners and Michael Henley take a break from the end of Lower Decks to discuss Section 31, the new Paramount Plus original Star Trek movie starring Michelle Yeoh. In this episode we discuss this would-be TV series turned into a movie…featuring Emperor Georgiou, Quasi, Zeph…and Rachel Garrett? It’s not quite a TV pilot, not quite a feature film, but it is definitely a fun discussion regarding this divisive latest entry in the Trek family.

Lower Decks S05E07 & E08

In this episode of The Prime Subjective, the gang explores more of Lower Decks Season 5, by discussing Episode 7, “Fully Dilated” and Episode 8, “Upper Decks.” Join Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners and Michael Henley as they discuss flute lessons, Data’s head, Halloween, how one of these titles differ from an unfortunate toilet habit, and more!

Lower Decks S05E05 & E06

In this episode of The Prime Subjective, the gang explores the halfway point of Lower Decks Season 5, by discussing Episode 5, “Starbase 80?!” and Episode 6, “Of Gods and Angles.” Join Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners and Michael Henley as they discuss special guest stars, weird space stations, orbs, cubes, orbs vs. cubes, cubes vs. orbs, and more!

Lower Decks S05E03 & E04

In this episode of The Prime Subjective, the gang (Mike Henley, Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners) discuss the next two episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks (“The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel” S5E3, and “A Farewell to Farms” S5E4). Expect discussions of Apocalypse Now, old film writers, same-sex relationships as they appear on Trek, Klingons, honor, bird jokes, Paul F. Tompkins, and more!