Crossroads is excited to announce that fall classes are now online and ready for you to enroll! This slate of classes has something for beginners and for experienced performers. We are offering our first full improv basics course, our first sketch writing class, and two new focus courses for experienced improvisers.
Our first Intro to Sketch Writing class will be lead by Marcely Jean-Pierre (Study Hall, Not Yet Rated, Lockin-up & Oh Snap podcasts). Marcely was head writer for NYTEShift, directed Cold As Hell: A Holiday Sketch show at PHIT, and has continued to create on his own throughout the pandemic.
I will be teaching a class on a topic I love – Improv Inspired By source material. It’s one of the formats I gravitate towards, because of how accessible it is for the audience. Anything and everything can be a source, but how you use that source will dictate whether the audience enjoys it or not.
After missing from Philly improv for several years we are thrilled to be bringing back an Intro to the Harold course! This course is for experienced improvisers and will be lead by Tia Kemp, Rob O’Neill, and Rachel Semigran. This class, for experienced improvisers, is great class to wake up your improv muscles, because it works out all of them. These three instructors will have their own point of view on the Harold, but also their own focus for the weeks they cover.
Kelly Conrad (Not Yet Rated / Evesdropping) will be leading our first Improv Basics course which is aimed at anyone looking to learn some improv or even experienced improvisers looking for a refresher or to just get out of the house and improvise with people in person again.
Because we are still in a pandemic, we have various COVID-19 precautions in place for our in person classes.
- All our instructors are fully vaccinated.
- We are requiring students to provide proof of full vaccination in order to enroll.
- Students are expected to inform the theater if they experience any COVID-19 symptoms or test positive for COVID-19 in the days leading up to or following class.
- Any student that does test positive during the course will need to send proof of a negative test before returning to class.
- Masks will be optional unless other wise noted and this could change during the course based on public health guidelines.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at each class.
- Contact will be limited and distance will be used wherever possible.
Though the risk of catching covid-19 remains very low for the fully vaccinated and experiencing significant symptoms even lower- we are still taking the health and safety of our students and instructors very seriously.
Payment plans are available upon request. Email for more information. Enroll in any of these classes by 9/22 and you’ll get free admission to our Philly Fringe Run 9/22 – 9/27. All above classes already include free admission to our productions in October – December.
Whether you like improv or sketch, in person or online classes – we got something for you. Hope to see you in a class or at a show soon!
Mike Marbach
This class will teach the basics of sketch comedy writing including learning about game, pitching sketches, working with various sketch types, editing scripts, and giving and accepting constructive feedback. Students will learn how to develop ideas, how to turn those ideas into sketches, and how to edit those sketches to be the funniest they can be. No experience necessary. This class takes place online.
DAY / DATES: Sundays, 10/17 – 12/12 (skips 11/28)
TIME: 12:00pm – 2:00pm
LOCATION: Online Via Zoom
COST: $199

Build on all the skills you’ve learned in improv and put them to work within the most famous of improv formats – The Harold! The Harold is like CrossFit for improvisers as it works all of your improv muscles – scenework, group scenes, second beats, game of the scene, characters, and more. You’ll get a great workout without having to flip any tires. This six week class will be lead by three instructors each with their own take on the Harold and each with their own focus for their time. If you’ve never studied the Harold, want a refresher, or simply want to do some improv with in person humans again – we got your back! For experienced improvisers only. Proof of covid-19 vaccination required.
DAY / DATES: Tuesdays, 10/19 – 11/23
TIME: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
LOCATION: Plays & Players Theatre, 1714 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, PA 19103
COST: $199

This 4 week, online course will prepare students for improvising from any source material. Students will learn how to thoroughly absorb the source, use it for all its parts, and create scenes inspired by it that are smart, funny, and clear from the first line. Students will also learn the importance of patience in scenes inspired by a source and how to work with their scene partners. Whether it’s monologues, the news, lectures, poetry, junk mail, old diaries, the back of cereal boxes, or anything else, the next time you’re doing improv inspired by ______, you’ll be more prepared to have the most fun you can have.
DAY / DATES: Mondays, 10/18 – 11/8
TIME: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
LOCATION: Online Via Zoom
COST: $129

This class will introduce you to the building blocks of improv in a fun, supportive, and welcoming environment. Over six weeks you will learn how to improve your communication and agreement skills, build your confidence in front of groups, think more creatively, and above all- have fun! Whether you are brand new to improv with no interest in performing, a long time performer looking to revisit the basics, someone looking to get more comfortable in groups, or just someone looking to have fun for two hours week with new people – this class is for you!
DAY / DATES: Wednesdays, 11/3 – 12/15 (skips 11/24)
TIME: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
LOCATION: Plays & Players Theatre, 1714 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, PA 19103
CLASS SHOW: Saturday, 12/18 @ 4:30pm at Plays & Players Theatre
COST: $199