The amazing comedy duo of Kornfeld and Andrews (NYC) will be visiting Philadelphia for the first time in several years. The duo will be performing on Friday, October 21st @ 9pm and each will teach an improv workshop on Saturday, October 22nd.
Kornfeld & Andrews has been performing regularly at the Magnet Theater in NYC for years, have performed in comedy festivals across the country, and was featured in the New York Times in March of 2020. You can read that great write-up of the duo here.
Don’t miss your opportunity to see them live on stage here in Philly or, if you are performer, to learn from them in one or both of their improv workshops.
Seasoned performers, longtime instructors, and all-around swell guys Rick Andrews and Louis Kornfeld combine their improv powers for a longform show that’s as honest as it is hilarious. With a patient, nuanced style, they create a textured world filled with characters that will make you laugh and move you all at the same time. It’s comedy. It’s theater. It’s a performance you won’t soon forget.
Almost every strong choice on stage can be traced back to listening–listening to your partner, and listening to the choices you’ve made in the scene. What separates great improvisers is their ability to take every small moment, look, gesture, word choice, tone, pause, movement and use it to intuit even more of their scene partner’s headspace. Not just what could be true, but rather what do I think my partner thinks is true? The more of each moment we capture in our awareness, the more powerful our scene work will get. PREREQUISITE: Intermediate Improv or equivalent training at another location.
DATE /TIME: Saturday, October 22nd @ 10am – 1:00pm
LOCATION: Plays & Players Theatre Skinner Studio (3rd Floor) @ 1714 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, PA 19103
REGISTRATION: $50. Payment plans available upon request. Please email
There’s something happening in the negative space of a scene, in the quiet when no one’s talking or seemingly doing anything. And that something, whatever it may be, is arguably what the scene is really about. But many of us aren’t comfortable with that space. We tend to freak out when things get quiet. This workshop is all about cultivating the negative space of your scene work, finding pleasure and surprise in leaving things unsaid, and in leaving room for your audience to be the artistic collaborators they really are. PREREQUISITE: Intermediate Improv or equivalent training at another location.
DATE /TIME: Saturday, October 22nd @ 1:30pm – 4:30pm
LOCATION: Plays & Players Theatre Skinner Studio (3rd Floor) @ 1714 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, PA 19103
REGISTRATION: $50. Payment plans available upon request. Please email
We don’t know the next time this fantastic improv duo is going to be performing / teaching in Philly, so take advantage of this opportunity while you can! The last time they were in Philly the show was completely sold out!
SUN: Closed
MON: 10am – 5pm
TUES: 10am – 5pm
WEDS: 10am – 5pm
THURS: 10am – 5pm
FRI: 10am – 3pm
SAT: Closed
Crossroads also has operations in Indianapolis! If you know any Indy people or you’ll be traveling to the Crossroads of America, check out Crossroads Indy!