We just switched over our class payment system to Square and with that comes some great new payment options for our students. In addition to accepting all major credit cards, we can now accept Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash App, Square Gift Cards, and one that I’m particularly excited about – AfterPay. 

AfterPay will allow people to break up the cost of enrollment into four interest-free payments over six weeks! It only takes a minute to set up and doesn’t cost you anything more. You’ll see the payment amounts, dates they are due, and you’re all set. We’ve already had a couple people take advantage of this option and they have had great things to say about the process and about having it as a form of payment.

We know that the AfterPay option won’t be the best fit for everyone. If you find that is the case for you then email us at classes@xroadscomedy.com and we can work on a plan that fits your situation.

We started offering and accepting Crossroads Gift Cards through Square a little while back. It’s worth knowing that when you get one of our gift cards it’s good to use on Shows, Classes, even drinks, snacks, and merch at shows where we sell them.

Check out our upcoming classes and we’ll see you in one soon!



Lower Decks S05E09 & 10

It’s time for one last trip through the Lower Decks! In this huge momentous episode of The Prime Subjective, Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners and Michael Henley go for one last ride on the Cerritos as we discuss Lower Decks Season 5 Episode 9 – “Fissure Quest”, and Lower Decks Season 5 Episode 10 (and series finale!) – “The New Next Generation.” We discuss Bashir/Garak, multiverses, unexpected guest stars, and ultimately close the book on Lower Decks and determine the exact flavor of its delightful, nutty legacy. Enjoy!

Star Trek: Section 31

It’s time for a Star Trek movie event! In this episode of The Prime Subjective, Chris Newcomer, Karie Coelman Hinners and Michael Henley take a break from the end of Lower Decks to discuss Section 31, the new Paramount Plus original Star Trek movie starring Michelle Yeoh. In this episode we discuss this would-be TV series turned into a movie…featuring Emperor Georgiou, Quasi, Zeph…and Rachel Garrett? It’s not quite a TV pilot, not quite a feature film, but it is definitely a fun discussion regarding this divisive latest entry in the Trek family.

Lower Decks S05E07 & E08

In this episode of The Prime Subjective, the gang explores more of Lower Decks Season 5, by discussing Episode 7, “Fully Dilated” and Episode 8, “Upper Decks.” Join Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners and Michael Henley as they discuss flute lessons, Data’s head, Halloween, how one of these titles differ from an unfortunate toilet habit, and more!

Lower Decks S05E05 & E06

In this episode of The Prime Subjective, the gang explores the halfway point of Lower Decks Season 5, by discussing Episode 5, “Starbase 80?!” and Episode 6, “Of Gods and Angles.” Join Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners and Michael Henley as they discuss special guest stars, weird space stations, orbs, cubes, orbs vs. cubes, cubes vs. orbs, and more!

Lower Decks S05E03 & E04

In this episode of The Prime Subjective, the gang (Mike Henley, Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners) discuss the next two episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks (“The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel” S5E3, and “A Farewell to Farms” S5E4). Expect discussions of Apocalypse Now, old film writers, same-sex relationships as they appear on Trek, Klingons, honor, bird jokes, Paul F. Tompkins, and more!

TAS S02E01 and Lower Decks S05E01 & S05E02

In this episode of The Prime Subjective, the gang (Mike Henley, Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners) discuss a classic episode of Star Trek: The Animated Series (“The Pirates of Orion”, S2E1) and then discuss the two first episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks (“Dos Cerritos” S5E1 and “Shades of Green” S5E2). Expect discussions of Orions, Or-ee-yuns (different!), parallel realities, duplicate characters, and plenty of fun!