Over the last year Crossroads has been expanding the kinds of courses we offer and the frequency with which we offer courses. This requires deepening our instructor bench and we’re pleased to say we’ve done just that. We’ve added multiple new instructors who have either already jumped into the classroom or are well on their way.
Alanna Shaffer & Michael Raab (Musical Improv) joined earlier in the year to help build our Musical Improv program. Alanna has performed with Philly’s premiere musical improv group, Thank You, Places, from its onset and Michael recently joined as one of their amazing accompanists. Both have now completed our first Musical Improv 2 class and will be returning with additional Musical Improv courses including our first Musical Improv 3! More news on those classes to be announced soon!

Keane Cobb brings years of comedic experience across disciplines including, stand-up, sketch and improv and was an easy choice to bring to the classroom. Keane has performed in many types of improv shows and teams to our classrooms such as our own Study Hall: Comedy Inspired By Lectures for about five years and recently joined Not Yet Rated: An Improvised Movie. Outside of Crossroads he can be seen doing short form improv with ComedySportz Philly and hosting Stand-up shows around the city including Triple Play with Lola Ivory Productions. After observing the amazing Kelly Conrad this past winter, Keane is off to teach his Improv 1 course starting June 14th!
Josh Kosh was brought in to teach in our growing Stand-up 1 track. He’s a first runner up in Philly’s Funniest, has appeared on FOX, Hulu, and Amazon as well as performed with Marlon Wayans, Tony Robbins and more. We received great student feedback from many students who loved Josh’s style when he subbed for a Stand-up 1 class earlier this year. Josh has been observing the fantastic Alyssa Al-Dookhi in class this spring and his own Stand-up 1 course starting June 14th!
James Knight has been writing and directing sketch comedy in Philly for several years. He is head writer / producer for NYTEShift, Philly’s premier all-POC comedy troupe. Additionally, James was head writer for 2019’s epic A Nightmare on Jawn Street and wrote and directed its follow-up 2022’s A Nightmare on Jawn Street: Liberty Hell. James has been observing the awesome Matthew Schmid (The Flat Earth, Incredible Shrinking Matt & Jacquie) in class and will be teaching our first in-person Sketch Comedy Writing 1 class starting June 13th!
These amazing individuals join an already incredible team of experienced and passionate instructors ready to make you the best improviser, musical improviser, stand-up, and sketch writers you can be. Check out our classes page for courses enrolling now and save $30 on Improv 1, Sketch Writing 1, or Stand-up 1 through May 8th.