Episode 34: Alison Zeidman

On this very special episode guest Alison Zeidman and Sam discuss their pet costume collections, dive into the world of hot dogs, and put some limits on what they should spend on dressing up cats (even if a costume might


Boothby or Not Boothby: TNG S05E19 & Lower Decks S04E10 with Ross Weisman

The crew of the Prime Subjective is back with another double header featuring something old and some thing new from the Star Trek universe. The new on this episode is the Lower Decks Season 4 finale, S04E10 "Old Friends, New


Decked Out: TNG S07E15 & Lower Decks S04E09

The crew of the Prime Subjective is back with another double header featuring something old and some thing new from the Star Trek universe. The new on this episode is Lower Decks S04E09 "The Inner Fight" and The Next Generation's


Episode 33: Brendan Kennedy

Guest Brendan Kennedy didn’t quite understand the assignment but a fun time was had by all! He and Sam discuss getting dinged in the head, minimalist lifestyles, and having cool cars.  Also Chef Boy Brendan gives his tips on making


Turn Off the Dark: TOS S01E25 & Lower Decks S04E08

The crew of the Prime Subjective is back with another double header featuring something old and some thing new from the Star Trek universe. The new on this episode is Lower Decks S04E08 "Caves" and The Original Series S01E25's "The


Episode 32: Kristin Finger

This week guest Kristin Finger and Sam discuss the joy of putting in way too much detail to characters and props and the two swoon over the amazing Gwen Stefani.  This week’s props: a retainer and a Gwen Stefani costume.


Barclay & Boop: TNG S04E19 and Lower Decks S04E07

The crew of the Prime Subjective is back with another double header featuring something old and some thing new from the Star Trek universe. New on this episode covers Lower Decks S04E07 "A Few Badgeys More" and The Next Generation


Episode 31: Alejandro Morales

Guest Alejandro Morales and Sam discuss thrift store finds, debate the value of bag Halloween costumes and think about planning a theme party.  This week’s props- a cute dress and a flapper dress costume. Alejandro Morales is a Philadelphia based


Labor of Lobe: DS9 S04E15 & Lower Decks S04E06

The crew of the Prime Subjective is back with another double header featuring something old and some thing new from the Star Trek universe. New on this episode covers Lower Decks S04E05 "Empathological Fallacies" and Deep Space Nine episode S03E10


It’s Midsummer Night’s Dream: Enterprise S03E10 & Lower Decks S04E05

The crew of the Prime Subjective is back with another double header featuring something old and some thing new from the Star Trek universe. New on this episode covers Lower Decks S04E05 "Empathological Fallacies" and Deep Space Nine episode S03E10
