The Gang Goes to Galactic D&I Con: Discovery S05E04

It’s time for time shenanigans! Plus a visit to Philly’s 2024 Galactic D & I Con. In this episode, the Prime Subjective crew (Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners, Michael Henley) discuss their weekend excursion to Philly’s Galactic Diversity and Inclusion Convention, including spending some quality time with the great Kate Mulgrew! Then, we discuss time travel in Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Disc 4, “Face the Strange.”

The Break-up Episode: Discovery S05E03

Discovery takes a visit to the Trill homeworld, and together the Prime Subjective crew (Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners, Michael Henley) discuss Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 3, “Jinaal.” We also discuss the imminent end of Lower Decks and also plan a visit to Philly’s Galactic D and I Con!

The Amazing Space: Discovery S05E01 & E02

Discovery is back for a final season! Join Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners and Michael Henley as they discuss the two-episode fifth season premiere, “Red Directive” and “Under the Twin Moons.”

Merrily We Trek Along: TNG S03E03 and TNG S03E12

As we gear up for the return of Star Trek: Discovery, this episode finds us looking at two classic episodes of TNG, “The Survivors” and “The High Ground.” Join Chris Newcomer, Mike Henley and Karie Coleman-Hinners for a spirited discussion.

Episode 42: Chip Chantry

On this episode guest Chip Chantry and Sam crack open the Book Of Truths and discuss the safety of playing a character while doing comedy and make a case to bring back bunting. This week’s props: Bing Supernova’s costume and an American Flag.

The Search for Worf: TNG S02E20 & S03E04

Let’s take a trip in the Trek wayback machine. Hosts Chris Newcomer, Michael Henley and Karie Coleman Hinners are joined this week by guest Alanna Shaffer to discuss two classic episodes of TNG: “The Emissary” (S2 E20) and “Who Watches the Watchers?” (S3 E4).

Episode 40: Dr. Timaree

Guest Dr. Timaree and Sam discuss trying to let go of items that hold strong memories, chat about clothing swaps, and goof about costumes that can both sexy and stupid.  This week’s props: a poofy dress and a Queen Of Hearts card costume.

Star Trek: Insurrection

The Prime Subjective crew returns with a discussion of the ninth Star Trek feature (and third featuring the Next Generation cast), Star Trek: Insurrection! Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners and Michael Henley had a lot of fun this week discussing this classic Trek film.