S06E03: The Back-Up Plan

This episode of In My Opinion is covers Season 6 episode 3 titled “The End of Football.” Diane tests argues in court while under the influence, Liz and Ri’Chard are used to take on the NFL, Carmen is threatened and pulls out the big guns, Charles Lester is the best. SOCIAL MEDIA Mike @MikeMarbach on […]

SOSN: Lower Decks S03E04 & Voyager S03E21

Just relax and let the podcast wash over you… In this very chill, very soothing episode of The Prime Subjective, we look at brand new episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks, and an older episode of Star Trek: Voyager. Sounds like a lot? Don’t be stressed! First up, in Lower Decks S3E4, “Room for Growth,” […]

HOTD S01E05: My Kingdom for a Leech

This episode of Stark Raven Mad: A Game of Thrones podcast covers Season 1 Episode 5 of House of the Dragon titled “We Light the Way.” Alicent is signaling war, Daemon is cruisin for a bruisin, Viserys can’t get enough leeches, Rhaenyra shuts down Cole and marries Leanor, Cole goes berserk, and we see the […]

ROP S01E04: Who’s Your Orc Daddy

This episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast covers season 1 episode 4 of the Rings of  Power titled “The Great Wave.” Galadriel enlists an army of factory workers to take down Sauron, Numenor’s future is gonna get wet, the Dwarves can’t keep their precious gray metal secret or safe, […]

S06E02: These Are Store Bought

This episode of In My Opinion is covers the final season premiere – Season 6 episode 2 titled “The End of the Yips.” Liz is on fire, Ri’Chard is put in his place, Diane is high, Eli is on a mission, and Marissa is on thin ice all while protests continue outside. SOCIAL MEDIA Mike […]

SOSN: Lower Decks S03E03 & TNG S06E15

In this double-barreled episode of The Prime Subjective, the crew (Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners, Jai Nim and Michael Henley) tackle back-to-back Trek! Something new and something old! First up: we explore fantasies come to terrible life in “Mining the Mind’s Mines” (Lower Decks S3E3) Then: Michael Henley talks about one of his favorite episodes of […]

SOSN: Lower Decks S03E02 & TNG S05E24

In this episode of The Prime Subjective, the team covers two episodes of Star Trek – one old, one new (something old, something new). First up: we play “The Least Dangerous Game” with an alien hunter in Lower Decks S3E2. Then: Jai Nim guides us through one of his favorite episodes from the franchise, “Empok […]

HOTD S01E04: King of Wishful Thinking

This episode of Stark Raven Mad: A Game of Thrones podcast covers Season 1 Episode 4 of House of the Dragon titled “King of the Narrow Sea.” We discuss Targaryens being Targaryens, the leadership of Viserys (or lack there of), the ambitions of Otto Hightower, and more. RATE AND REVIEW FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN […]