Prodigy S02E03&4 + Voyager S05E06

The journey of Star Trek: Prodigy – Season 2 continues! We’re going all timey wimey, so bust out your textbooks, be waryof paradoxes and join the Prime Subjective crew (Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners, Mike Henley) as we discuss Prodigy S2E3 – Who Saves the Saviors and S2E4 – Temporal Mechanics 101. Then, we journey to an alternate timeline and discuss Voyager S5E6 – Timeless, an episode featuring a destroyed Voyager, timeline hijinks, older Harry Kim, and special guest LeVar Burton as Geordi LaForge!

The Prime Subjective: Prodigy S02E01 & E02

Star Trek: Prodigy is back! Sure, it’s had a transfer to Starbase Netflix, but it’s back! In this exciting episode of The Prime Subjective, Chris, Mike and Karie discuss the first two episodes of Discovery’s new thrilling season. S2E1 and S2E2 – “Into the Breach, Parts 1 and 2.” Ship shenanigans and timey-wimeyness await. Then, we take a detour while on Starbase Netflix to discuss all of season 1 of “The 3-Body Problem.” Join us!

HOTD S02E03&4: The Queen Who Never Was

This episode covers House of the Dragon Season 2 episodes 3 and 4. Aegon pulls a smash and crash with the help of Aemond, Alicent falls off her high horse and wheezes the juice, Deamon gets haunted in Harrenhal, Rhaneyra lets the dragons loose after her Sister Act fails, Larys lives, and Rhaenys straps in […]

The Prime Subjective: Voyager S06E11 & S06E17

In this week’s Prime Subjective, we take a deep breath before a plunge into a season of Star Trek: Prodigy! But since Prodigy has Voyager on the brain, so do we! And so, we take a trip down memory lane and discuss two episodes from Star Trek: Voyager’s sixth season that center on the holographic Irish town of Fair Haven. First is S6E11, “Fair Haven”, and then S6E17, “Spirit Folk.” Enjoy!

HOTD S02E01&2: Foot of the King

Yes, we’re back. For better or worse, we are here to cover the second season of House of the Dragon. In this episode we discuss episodes one and two of season two. We talk about how difficult keeping track of names and relationships is on this show, how dumb Aegon is, how Sir Criston Cole […]

Crossroads Is Now A Nonprofit Organization!

We are very excited to share the news that Crossroads Comedy Theater is now, officially, a nonprofit organization! I received our letter of determination of tax exempt status over the weekend – only 17 days after we submitted our application. I expected an up to six month wait with the potential for back and forth, […]

There And Back Again: Discovery S05E09 and S05E10

It’s not the last episode of the Prime Subjective (gosh, no). But it is time to talk about the final two episodes of STAR TREK: DISCOVERY! We discuss Discovery S05E09 – Legrange Point and Discovery S05E10 – Life Itself. Join Chris Newcomer, Michael Henley and Karie Coleman-Hinners for an off-the-cuff reaction to how this show ended, what everyone learned, and what we discovered.

Episode 46: Zachary Uzupis

On this episode guest Zachary Uzupis and Sam send messages to the podcast’s celestial listeners and discuss the logistics of starting a cult. This week’s props: a bird poop hat and a purple 70s robe.

Episode 45: Rebekah Rickards

Guest Rebekah Rickards and Sam discuss the responsibility that comes with being a high production bitch and the joys and nightmares of dance recital costumes. This week’s props- a chicken costume and a dance costume from 1999.