Episode 6: Meg Favreau

Our guest this week is Meg Favreau. Sam and Meg chat about how sketches don’t always have to make sense and writing an entire script around one dumb gimmick. This episode’s items: a small fake duck and a grayscale costume dress and wig.

SOSN: Lower Decks S03E09 & Voyager S06E04

Something Old, Something New! In this episode of The Prime Subjective, we cover a new Trek and a classic Trek, handpicked by a Prime Subjective panel member. For the new, we cover Lower Decks S3E9 “Trusted Sources” & Voyager S6E04 “Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy” Join hosts Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners, Jai Nim and Michael Henley […]

S06E08-9: The End of Dedication

After taking off a week in observance of the Phillies in the World Series, In My Opinion returns with a mash-up episode combining Season 6 episodes 8 and the penultimate episode 9. We talk about the rocky end of Kurt & Diane, why Democrats can’t win consistently, debate the worthiness of Black Adam, what becomes […]

SOSN: Lower Decks S03E08 & TNG S04E05

Something Old, Something New! In this episode of The Prime Subjective, we cover a new Trek and a classic Trek, handpicked by a Prime Subjective panel member. For the new, we cover Lower Decks S3E8 – “Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus” and for the old we discuss TNG S4E5 – “Remember Me.” Join hosts Chris Newcomer, […]

Episode 5: Alyssa Truszkowski

On this week’s episode, Sam talks with Alyssa Truszkowski about how props are divided up among members of a sketch group and Alyssa comes up with a plan that could shut down the whole podcast!

HOTD S01E10: Riders on the Storm

This episode of Stark Raven Mad: A Game of Thrones podcast covers the season finale of House of the Dragon’s first season titled “The Black Queen.” Rhaenys reaches Dragonstone and informs Rhaenyra of what’s happened with her father and the throne. Team Black springs into action… kind of. Allies are courted, plans are made, Ravens […]

S06E07: We Crossed the Line

This episode of In My Opinion covers Season 6 episode 7 titled “The End of STR Laurie.” The firm defends STR Laurie only to end up using their legal troubles to separate themselves, while the dread of this season continues to mount and infect many aspects of the show and firm. SOCIAL MEDIA Mike @MikeMarbach […]

ROP S01E08: Nenya Business

This episode of the Beacons Are Lit covers season 1 episode 8 of the Rings of Power titled “Alloyed.” The Sauron / Stranger guessing game is mostly at an end and, in the words of Dennis Green, “They are who we thought they were” … for the most part. Earion likes to do drorings, Celebrimbor […]

HOTD S01E09: Feats of Strength

This episode of Stark Raven Mad: A Game of Thrones podcast covers Season 1 Episode 9 of House of the Dragon titled “The Green Council.” It’s the aftermath of Viserys’ death and the Greens race each other to install Aegon as king, Rheanys interrupts the festivities before flying out of town, and we see the […]

Episode 4: Kait Thompson

This week Kait Thompson and Sam discuss how elaborate props can make sketches better and how old is too old to play a child in a comedy sketch. This week’s props: a plastic lobster and children’s footy pajamas.