Allamaraine: DS9 S01E10 & Lower Decks S04E03

The crew of the Prime Subjective is back with another double header featuring something old and some thing new from the Star Trek universe. New on this episode covers Lower Decks S04E03 “In the Cradle of Vexilon” and the classic DS9 episode S01E10 “Move Along Home.”

Episode 29: Bill Reick

This week Bill Reick and Sam discuss writing sketches about classic monsters, their experiences on the set of the film Sleep. Walk. Kill., and how a new car purchase has changed Sam’s life. This episode’s props- a dracula cape and Sam’s Ady costume from Sleep. Walk. Kill.

No Bones About It: TAS S01E15 & Lower Decks S04E02

The crew of the Prime Subjective is back with another double header featuring something old and some thing new from the Star Trek universe. New on this episode is S04E02 of Lower  Decks “I Have No Bones, Yet I Must Flee” and, for the first time, Star Trek the Animated Series is discussed with S01E15 “The Eye of the Beholder.”

Episode 28: Randi Warhol

Guest Randi Warhol and Sam chat about costumes that remind us of times gone by and having really elaborate props for theme parties.  This week’s items: Meat Is Murder Burlesque costume and an extermination tent for Sam’s house.

Twovix or Not Tuvix: Lower Decks S04E01 and Voyager S02E24

The crew of the USS Prime Subjective boldly goes to cover two episodes from different series the Trek universe. In this episode we discuss Lower Decks S01E01 “Second Contact” and an episode that has been mentioned quite a few times in the history of this pod Voyager S02E24 “Tuvix.” You got Tuvok on my Nealix. You got Nealix on my Tuvok! Join host Chris Newcomer, Kari Coleman Hinners, and Michael Henley on this voyage into a double header of Trek fun and send your listener questions to

The Gorn Supremacy: SNW S02E09 & S02E10

The Prime Subjective crew takes on Strange New Worlds S02E09 “Subspace Rhapsody” and S02E10, the season finale!, “Hegemony.” We discuss those old scientists getting something to sing about, big trouble in little Parnassus, the existence of Gorn chefs, ending season two on a cliff hanger, newly obtained Trek merch and games, Thank You Places: An Improvised Musical, and so much more.

Episode 27: Jackie Benhayon

This episode Jackie Benhayon and Sam discuss storing props in a car for an extended period of time and Sam contemplates taking up a new hobby! This week’s props: paper bones and two square dancing outfits.

Breaking Spock: SNW S02E07 & S02E08

The Prime Subjective crew takes on Strange New Worlds S02E07 “Those Old Scientists” and S02E08 “Under the Cloak of  War.” We discuss cold Spock and hot Spock, getting timey wimey, the pros and cons of Jack Quaid, the snap back from light heartedness of episode 7 to the existential dread of episode 8, and the lore of war.

Grond! Grond! Grond!: The Return of the King Part 5

The fellowship returns to cover part five in our years long coverage of Return of the King. In this section we’re in the thick of battle and all hell is breaking loose. Arachnophobia grips Frodo, Gothmog’s all do as I say not as I do, the Orcs are moments away from starting the wave, The ghosts get to work, Denathor finna burn Faramir alive, Gandalf gets caught slippin, The Witch King becomes distracted very easily, the Rohirrim and the Bivouacers arrive. We’ll be back soon with Part 6.

Oh the Vulcanity: SNW S02E05 & S02E06

The Prime Subjective is back with another double header as we get caught up on Strange New Worlds. This episode covers Strange New Worlds S02E05 “Charades” and S02E06 “Lost In Translation” We talk about William Shatner, the WWE, the pace of Vulcan maturity, new daddy Anson Mount, Robert Beltran’s Scab Trek, how good Lower Decks is, and so much more. Send your listener questions to