Episode 36: Tanya Morgan

This episode guest Tanya Morgan and Sam chat about elaborate props, passing costumes and props on to the next generation, and reminisce about the store Petite Sophisticate. This week’s props: a chili pepper hat and an 80’s lady business suit.

Episode 35: Courtney Farrell

Guest Courtney Farrell and Sam discuss how tiny props carry huge sentimental value and being a sore loser. We also experience another Christmas prop miracle! This week’s props- a red scarf and a cardboard Santa Sleigh.

Episode 34: Alison Zeidman

On this very special episode guest Alison Zeidman and Sam discuss their pet costume collections, dive into the world of hot dogs, and put some limits on what they should spend on dressing up cats (even if a costume might be really funny). This week’s props- a cat hot dog costume and a cat Chas Tanenbaum costume.

Episode 33: Brendan Kennedy

Guest Brendan Kennedy didn’t quite understand the assignment but a fun time was had by all! He and Sam discuss getting dinged in the head, minimalist lifestyles, and having cool cars.  Also Chef Boy Brendan gives his tips on making a great Thanksgiving turkey.

Episode 32: Kristin Finger

This week guest Kristin Finger and Sam discuss the joy of putting in way too much detail to characters and props and the two swoon over the amazing Gwen Stefani. This week’s props: a retainer and a Gwen Stefani costume.

Episode 31: Alejandro Morales

Guest Alejandro Morales and Sam discuss thrift store finds, debate the value of bag Halloween costumes and think about planning a theme party. This week’s props- a cute dress and a flapper dress costume.

Episode 30: Marc Hallworth

This week Toronto comedian Marc Hallworth and Sam discuss keeping track of sketch performances, having to replace costumes, and Sam finds out what a Tickle Trunk is. This episode’s props- a Hooters Uniform and ten swords.

Episode 29: Bill Reick

This week Bill Reick and Sam discuss writing sketches about classic monsters, their experiences on the set of the film Sleep. Walk. Kill., and how a new car purchase has changed Sam’s life. This episode’s props- a dracula cape and Sam’s Ady costume from Sleep. Walk. Kill.

Episode 28: Randi Warhol

Guest Randi Warhol and Sam chat about costumes that remind us of times gone by and having really elaborate props for theme parties.  This week’s items: Meat Is Murder Burlesque costume and an extermination tent for Sam’s house.

Episode 27: Jackie Benhayon

This episode Jackie Benhayon and Sam discuss storing props in a car for an extended period of time and Sam contemplates taking up a new hobby! This week’s props: paper bones and two square dancing outfits.