Khazad-damn!: ROP S02E08

In this episode of the Beacons are Lit we’re discussing The Rings of Power S02E08. This is the season finale, which means after this episode, much like the Balrog of the Misty Mountains, the Rings of Power disappears for a long period only to come back when Amazon digs too deep. The Dwarves show up to save whoever is left at Eregion, Celebrimbor tells Sauron he’s going to the bad place, King Durin goes toe to head to horn with the Balrog, Adar gets a glow up shortly before getting Jon Snowed, Elendil has r-u-n-n-o-f-t as Numenor turns on the faithful, Isildur leaves his babe behind to go back home, Kemmen continues to grow his hater base, Cirdan is nowhere to be seen, and lots more for better or worse. We’re on another break, but will return soon with our awards episodes for The Two Towers and Return of the King. Lots more planned… but not scheduled.
User Illusion 3: ROP S02E07

In this episode of the Beacons are Lit we’re talking about The Rings of Power Season 2 episode 7. We’re deep into the siege of Eregion now. Celebrimbor is living his best imaginary life, Sauron is blaming everything on Celebrimbor, Elrond putting the moves on Galadriel, Gil Galad puts on his Sunday best for battle, Adar’s kids are starting to turn on him, the Dwarves got their own problems going on, and Harfoots & the Stranger are nowhere to be seen.
Through the Ringer: ROP S02E04-06

In this episode of the Beacons are Lit we’re talking about The Rings of Power Season 2 Episodes 4-6. We’re building to the Siege of Eregion, Orcs are getting a little skeptical of Adar, Galadriel does some cool stuff and gets captured anyway, an Ent Wife is found, Elrond and company bust some ghosts, King Durin is spiraling, Celebrimbor doing arts and crafts as his city burns, Probably Gandalf getting in some training, Numenor summons a sea monster, Celebrimbor is losing his mind and Annatar is reaping the benefits, and much more.
Lord of the Bling: ROP S02E01-3

We are back from the shadow to talk about the Rings of Power Season 2. Elrond half heartedly tries to abscond with the rings, Galadriel works to clean up her mess, Halbrand gets a glow up, Isildur has daddy issues, Arondir getting in his steps, Celebrimbor is handing out rings like candy, the Stranger masters English before his destructive powers, Numenor gets a 2nd age January 6th, and the Dwarves go dark while Durin and Durin butt heads.
You Bow To No One: The Return of the King Part 8

The last part of the last movie has finally arrived. It took less time for Frodo and Sam to take the ring to Mount Doom, but we made it. In this episode we talk about Huge giving stage directions to Liv Tyler, the Elves discussing what to do with Bilbo, too many Eagles and not enough Eagles, Aragorn getting cold feet during his big speech, a surviving Wraith coming back for revenge on the anniversary of Weathertop, and so much more.
But It Is Not This Day: The Return of the King Part 7

The Beacons fellowship is back in fairly short order for part 7 of our recap and discussion of Return of the King. In this section we talk about the Uruk eye for fashion, imagine a middle-earth version of The Real World, wonder again about hobbit shoes and orc children, get scared by the Mouth of Sauron, and much, much more. We’ll be back after the holidays with Part 8 – our final in the ROTK film coverage before we hit some special episodes.
That Still Only Counts As One!: The Return of the King Part 6

The fellowship returns from another self-imposed hiatus to continue our years long coverage of Return of the King. In this section we talk about Théoden practicing his inspiring but downer speeches, Denathor gettin oiled up, what’s going on under those Nazgul robes, Gandalf & Pippin havin’ themselves a chat as the world ends around them, how the Army of the Dead knows who to kill, Legolas the Skater boi, Gothmog’s unceremonious end, and so much more. We’ll be back soon with Part 7. For real.
Grond! Grond! Grond!: The Return of the King Part 5

The fellowship returns to cover part five in our years long coverage of Return of the King. In this section we’re in the thick of battle and all hell is breaking loose. Arachnophobia grips Frodo, Gothmog’s all do as I say not as I do, the Orcs are moments away from starting the wave, The ghosts get to work, Denathor finna burn Faramir alive, Gandalf gets caught slippin, The Witch King becomes distracted very easily, the Rohirrim and the Bivouacers arrive. We’ll be back soon with Part 6.
It Has Been Remade: The Return of the King Part 4

Elrond arrives with refurbed gifts and raised stakes, Aragorn and the Scoobies go g-g-ghost hunting, Gothmog gets embarrassed in front of his boys, Denathor gets walloped. Meanwhile the people of Minas Tirith like we got no Rohan, we got no Aragorn, our soldier’s heads are fallin’ off!
The Beacons Are Lit: The Return of the King Part 3

We return a mini hiatus to hit part 3 of our coverage of Return of the King. It’s our golden episode! The part of the film in which we get our podcast name and boy do we milk the moment. We welcome steward of Kelly’s throne, Kirsten LaCerda, to discuss lighting the beacons, sharing the load, bring your hobbit to work day, the many Mogs, and much more.