The Ents Are Going to War: The Two Towers Part 7

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we continue our journey through the Two Towers with Part 7. This is our last episode of the Two Towers coverage. Yes, we finished one episode earlier than our expected 8 episodes. This part sees Faramir showing his quality when it […]
So It Begins: The Two Towers Part 6

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we continue our journey through the Two Towers. Merry gets frustrated with all the Ents, Pippin is content to get back home, Aragorn escapes death and arrives at Helm’s Deep, Theoden resents being questioned about literally everything, an old man kicks […]
He’s … Dead: The Two Towers Part 5

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we continue our journey through the Two Towers. Wormtongue tips Saruman off to the weakness of Helm’s Deep, Faramir daydreams about his brother, we get a taste of Denathor that’s missing from the theatrical cut, Gollum regains control of Smeagol, and […]
Boilem Mashem Stickeminastew: The Two Towers Part 4

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we continue our journey through the Two Towers. Saruman cooks up some sick burns for Gandalf, Wormtongue takes great interest in Aragorn’s jewelry, Theoden has a mad post-possession hangover, Eowyn’s got her eyes set on the Ranger, and Frodo’s snooping gets […]
Breathe the Free Air Again, My Friend: The Two Towers Part 3

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we continue our journey through the Two Towers. Gandalf saves King Theoden with some extraness, Grima skedaddles out of Rohan, Frodo and Sam reach the Black Gate where Sam pulls a Took, Merri and Pippin are left in the forest to […]
The White Wizard Will Know: The Two Towers Part 2

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we continue our journey through the Two Towers. Frodo kerplunks into the dead marshes, Wormtongue is trying to Weekend at Bernie’s King Theoden, Gandalf gets extra extra, Treebeard turns in the “orcs,” Aragorn breaks a toe, and Eomer gets voted off […]
You Will Take Us to the Black Gate: The Two Towers Part 1

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we begin the second leg of our journey as we dive into the extended edition of the Two Towers. Would Theoden’s signature banishing Eomer hold up in court? Is ethics covered in Orc school? Who is Saruman talking to? These questions […]
The Ringer Awards for the Fellowship of the Ring

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast is our look back at the Fellowship of the Ring via our Ringer Awards! We have a bunch of categories such as Best Fight, Most Valuable Player, Worst Line of Dialogue, Funniest Moment, etc. We recap and discuss the movie through […]
My Brother, My Captain, My King: The Fellowship of the Ring (Part 7)

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we cover the events from the Argonath through the end when Frodo and Sam set off on their own. Why is Legolas always so cryptic? Why did Lurtz decide that was the time to showboat? Why is the last 15 minutes […]
You Will Find Your Courage: The Fellowship of the Ring (Part 6)

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we cover the events following the fall of Gandalf through the passing into the realm of Gondor under the Argonath. Did Legolas know what the elves were singing about Gandalf? Was Galadriel just trying to get rid of things before moving? […]