Fly, You Fools!: The Fellowship of the Ring (Part 5)

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we cover the events following the Council of Elrond up until the Fellowship’s escape from Moria (or most of the Fellowship anyway). We talk about Gimli hyping up Moria for days and then doing nothing to help open the door, the […]
You Cannot Wield It: The Fellowship of the Ring (Part 4)

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we talk about the Council of Elrond. Only the Council of Elrond. In addition to actually discussing the this great scene, we spend too much time talking about Viggo’s “it has no other master” line, discuss the various pronunciations of Morrrdorrr […]
My Tomato’s Burst: The Fellowship of the Ring (Part 3)

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we talk about events immediately following leaving Bree to just before the Council of Elrond. What is elevensies? Was that one Ring Wraith trying to sneak off? Why didn’t Elrond end this mess 3,000 years ago? These and many other questions […]
I Know What Hunts You: The Fellowship of the Ring (Part 2)

In this episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast we talk about events from Frodo and Sam seeing the wood elves on up until Strider makes his debut and saves the hobbits. We also discuss such important things as Saruman’s cleaning habits, Aragon’s choice of introduction, if the ring would […]
Shire! Baggins!: The Fellowship of the Ring (Part 1)

This second episode of The Beacons Are Lit: A Lord of the Rings Podcast covers the first 45 minutes of the extended edition of the Fellowship of the Ring. We discuss the prologue that almost wasn’t, Gandalf arriving precisely when he means to, Bilbo’s speech preparation, Gandalf’s trip to the library, and the first steps […]