In this episode we discuss the adventures of Sam & Gilly for majority of the time. No. We don’t. We talk about what you’d think we talk about. I (Mike) am in pain. My heart has been ripped out and trampled on by a clever man that appears to be some sort of general in an army of train conductors. George R.R. Martin, I’m talking about you. You sadistic son of a bitch. This was an amazing episode to say the least. For many reasons, but damn. Damn, y’all. This shit hurts. This episode of the podcast is less “podcast” and more recorded “support group”. Let us help you through this troubling time. Be sure to check out to sign up for your free trial of and help support this podcast. Also go over to ZombieExodus and download a really cool game where you are trying to survive the zombie apocalypse in a choose your adventure style. It’s pret-ty awesome. So check it out on the site or download it via iTunes to your droid device. Until next week…

Opening the podcast is a violin version of the theme song performed by Taylor Davis. I found it on youtube and you can watch it here.



The Gang Goes to Galactic D&I Con: Discovery S05E04

t’s time for time shenanigans! Plus a visit to Philly’s 2024 Galactic D & I Con. In this episode, the Prime Subjective crew (Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners, Michael Henley) discuss their weekend excursion to Philly’s Galactic Diversity and Inclusion Convention, including spending some quality time with the great Kate Mulgrew! Then, we discuss time travel in Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Disc 4, “Face the Strange.”

The Break-up Episode: Discovery S05E03

Discovery takes a visit to the Trill homeworld, and together the Prime Subjective crew (Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners, Michael Henley) discuss Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 3, “Jinaal.” We also discuss the imminent end of Lower Decks and also plan a visit to Philly’s Galactic D and I Con!

The Amazing Space: Discovery S05E01 & E02

Discovery is back for a final season! Join Chris Newcomer, Karie Coleman-Hinners and Michael Henley as they discuss the two-episode fifth season premiere, “Red Directive” and “Under the Twin Moons.”

Episode 43: Ethan Resendes

On this episode, guest Ethan Resendes and Sam discuss unconventional places to store props and choosing props and costumes that accurately reflect ourselves. And this week Sam introduces a very special segment called ‘Why Did I Buy This? And What Can I Use This For?’  This week’s props: a blonde wig and a weird pink poncho thing. 

Merrily We Trek Along: TNG S03E03 and TNG S03E12

As we gear up for the return of Star Trek: Discovery, this episode finds us looking at two classic episodes of TNG, “The Survivors” and “The High Ground.” Join Chris Newcomer, Mike Henley and Karie Coleman-Hinners for a spirited discussion.

Episode 42: Chip Chantry

On this episode guest Chip Chantry and Sam crack open the Book Of Truths and discuss the safety of playing a character while doing comedy and make a case to bring back bunting. This week’s props: Bing Supernova’s costume and an American Flag.