Pollos Hermanos Presents the Breaking Goodman Stone Cold Locks for Season 6 Part 2

This episode of Breaking Goodman is our "Stone Cold Locks" episode in which we discuss what we think might happen in the final episodes of the series. We'll be back with new episodes on Thursdays through the end of the


Return to Ascender: Strange New Worlds S01E06

Here's an uplifting episode. Or not. Quick sci-fi tip: when you're on an alien planet and someone asks you if you wish to "ascend," say no. 2nd quick sci-fi tip: when a secretive alien society invites you to watch their


Cosmic Relief: Strange New Worlds S01E05

Body swapping! Negotiations! Easter eggs! Hijinks! (Yes, friends, hijinks!) "Spock Amok" is Strange New Worlds' first full fledged comedy episode. And it's a hoot! For this episode of The Prime Subjective, Chris Newcomer, Mike Henley, Jai Nim and Karie Coleman-Hinners
